Stardoll felicita a Guillermo y a Kate por su boda pero hasta donde yo se es mañana a las 6pm(Hora de Verano del Este) Si estoy mal digan por favor!

This is our project. We, Larriva (frida_larriva) and Mariángela (Alegna.Iram) want to bring to our readers basic things about Stardoll such as hot news, Spoilers and 'what the heck' stuff about the Site we all love, but also, we want to give you a fresh, different and fabulous blog with the amazing point of view and style of Larriva and the Fashionable Sparkle and artistic attitude of Mariángela. This is a space created just for you! Enjoy!
4 comentarios:
Parabéns, pelo blog. Gostei muito e estou seguindo vc, ok?
Gostei muito dos seus posts. Bjs.
Muito obrigado! :)
hay pero ps noms un simple felicidades!!! nO nO nO... En mi muy humilde opinion Stardoll devio haver anunciado a los ganadores del concurso Perfect Day mañana... bueno eso opino yop
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